Consulting -
Design & Build

Pharmaceutical Company | Germany / Central Hesse

The pharmaceutical company has grown disproportionately at its location and has therefore planned a new administrative building for approx. 900 employees in addition to other new building projects.

Consulting -
Design & Build

The company had many expectations of the new building. In terms of design and construction, the building should set future standards for modern, process-oriented and attractive working environments.

See technical information

Customer description
The company was founded more than 100 years ago to save lives using the latest technologies. Over the last century, the company has become one of the leading international biotechnology companies, driven by the promise to save lives and improve quality of life. Thanks to its ability to innovate in the development of life-saving medicines, the company is known for always putting the patient first.

Service componentsLeistungsbausteine

  • User needs analysis
  • Pre-design/design optimisation
  • Zoning and occupancy planning
  • Detailed occupancy and furnishing planning incl. planning workshops
  • Assistance in tendering phases and support in furniture selection
  • Interior design concepts for all interior areas
  • Management and user representative workshops
  • Media technology concept
  • Bistro and bistro technology concept
  • Cost controlling
  • Quality assurance construction and technical building equipment, controlling in tenant representation
  • Relocation management

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie


©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie


©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie


©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie


©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

©Frank Baumhammel Fotografie

Technical informations

Location Germany / Mittelhessen
Client Pharmazeutisches Unternehmen
Area 17 500 m²
Capacity 900 Mitarbeiter
Year 2019 - 2022